
Chem-Dry Franchise Cleans the Whole Home, Including Neglected Areas

A wide range of cleaning products and services ensures that every Chem-Dry customer has no uncared-for areas once the team has finished its work

When a homeowner contacts his or her local Chem-Dry cleaning franchise, it’s usually because the carpets are in dire need of attention. But Chem-Dry can do much, much more than get out ground-in carpet stains, and that’s why the brand continues to evolve and grow in the United States and around the world.

“Many people do not know that we also clean upholstery, area rugs, tile floors and even granite surfaces,” says Bill Zinke, Vice President of Marketing. “Chem-Dry offers a whole-home cleaning service, and does so in an environmentally friendly way that no one else can match.”


Upholstery can harbor unseen problems

Upholstered furniture, including sofas, love seats, recliners and dining-room chairs, provides a safe haven for dust mites. A recent study from the Hygiene Council found that the majority (61%) of Americans have sanitized their sofa only a few times, if at all, since it was purchased.

“People will clean underneath the sofa cushions but often do not clean the sofa itself, and that can lead to problems,” Bill says. “A Chem-Dry cleaning franchise team can use our patented, Hot Carbonated Water Extraction method to clean upholstered furniture quickly, leaving behind no residue and without hurting the fabric or damaging its color.”


Carpets underscore whole-home cleaning

And then there are the carpets themselves. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 100,000 dust mites can be found in 10 square feet of carpeting. Furthermore, the typical person sheds about 1.5 million skin flakes an hour, most of which becomes embedded in carpets, making ideal feeding grounds for dust mites.

“Bacteria and germs hiding in carpet fibers are not destroyed by vacuuming alone,” Bill says. “They should be cleaned and sanitized by a professional every six months. This is Chem-Dry’s core service, because our cleaning method is environmentally friendly, nontoxic and dries in hours, whereas other providers’ methods can take days and use harsh, smelly chemicals. Because a Chem-Dry cleaning franchise owner can guarantee a quick ‘in and out’ visit, homeowners know they will not be inconvenienced, and so will be willing to clean their carpets and furniture more frequently. That’s good for their home health, and for our franchise owners’ ability to build a steady flow of business and a strong revenue stream.”

Learn more about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You can also learn more by visiting our research pages.

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