Chem-Dry Franchise Owners Review
Meet a few of our longest-tenured and most successful franchise owners
Doug & Caroline Desario, Chem-Dry of Ventura, CA
Andrew Bremer, Chem-Dry of Knoxville, TN
David Gaulden, Sunrise Chem-Dry of Phoenix, AZ
Joe Weiss, Chem-Dry of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, MI
Weiss, 38, bought his first six Chem-Dry franchises from another franchisee in 2005, and now owns 10 in three separate southeast Michigan territories. His frustration with a sales job led him to the entrepreneurial dream, and he’s now sitting on top of a small cleaning service empire.
Q. Is Chem-Dry better as a one-unit franchise or a multi-unit franchise?
A. For me, being an entrepreneur, I want to make as much money as I can possibly make, which is why I have five trucks and 10 franchises. You can be a success with just one truck and one franchise. There are people in the Chem-Dry system who have done that, but it makes me feel a little more comfortable as far as the money I can make with multiple franchises. That’s one of the nice things about Chem-Dry. You can be as big or as small as you want.
Q. Would you recommend this franchise? Why?
A. I definitely would. I strongly believe in the brand, the product and the process. The home office will help you with whatever you need, and as long as you develop some loyal fans and customers, it’s definitely something you can use to secure a very good life. It’s gotten me freedom from the rat race and a chance to do my own thing. I make my own days, do things at my own leisure, support my family and own my own home, plus I have some rental properties on the side. Without Chem-Dry, I’d probably be more limited and restricted in my life.
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